Clomid - cycle length
1 Replies
Kat15 - May 17

Hi, last oct took my 1st cycle of clomid as had been diagonised with PCOS. Amazingly I fell pregnant first time, but unfortunately mc at 9wks. Now on 3rd cycle of clomid and day 31, had scan at ov time and 3 large follicles, also progestrone levels tested and at 147 post ov. Had some very light spotting day 26 but did not need to use anything. now day 31, neg pg test - Help, anybody else had similar symptons!?


AlannaB - May 18

hello! Dont know if I can help, but I took my first cycle of clomid this month days4-8. I am on day 35 still no signs of starting my period and I took a preg test today (neg). I am very scared! Have you ever had this happen?



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