2 Replies
Katie - August 4

I am not sure if Clomid is right for me. My husband and I have been trying to get pregnant for a little over a year and nothing has happened. The problem is that my husband is only home about 5 days a month. Do you think that Clomid will help us get pregnant?


dee - August 4

Simply no. Unless he is there during ovulation time it wont help.


annette - August 4

first u need to check if u have regular cycles. if u do, then u need to track your ovulation date. you can use an opk to predict ovulation, or you can chart your bbt to find out if you have ovulated. you would ovulate 14 days before the start of your next cycle, so if u know your cycle lenght you can calculate this. while using opk, you would get the surge 12-36 hours before ovulation, so you can time your bd. then using the bbt you can check if u really ovulated or not. you can go to to do it online. good luck!



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