3 Replies
MuzikGurl - December 23

Hey anyone else had this long of a cycle that has irregular periods as well as PCOS? I am not on any meds. at the moment and I don't see me dr. until January 2006. I'm not having hardly any pains or anything just curious what to do with the time I have just sitting here waiting...and wondering if anyone else has gone through this....???


canadagirl - December 23

hi muzik girl i have been through those long dreading cycles before, but at the time I didn't know I had PCOS, but when I was diagnosed with PCOS, they put me on provera and clomid, but the clomid did nothing, any ways i got and hsg and lap done, they said my tubes was messed up, any ways on late summer of 2003 I had 3 regular cycles no meds, and then they started getting longer again but needless to say I got preggo with no meds nothing done to tubes, even on the long cycles. so just keep having hope.


ambrosine - December 24

i havent been diagnosed with pcos, but i had a cycle which lasted cd66 . I never tested through this cycle early enough to see if i had a chemical pregnancy or anything, but i know its common in pcos. Also its common if you are 100% healthy , as our bodies when trying to ttc play nasty tricks on us so dont be worried. Usually blood tests can aleviate your worries, and check for hormone levels.good luck


Claus - December 25

Merry Christmas and Happy Holidays!!!



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