BV causes early & late pregnancy miscarriage
1 Replies
donna1 - August 15

Causes of Miscarriage
A spontaneous miscarriage may occur because the fetus is not developing properly or because the placenta (the tissue that connects the growing baby to the inside of the uterus) is not attached properly. In many cases, however, the cause is not known. Miscarriages are quite common, occurring in about 15-20% of all pregnancies. Having a miscarriage does not mean you will not have a normal pregnancy in the future.

Risk Factors
There are several factors that are believed to somewhat increase the risk of miscarriages:

poor nutrition
hormonal insufficiency or imbalance
infection with rubella, bacterial vaginosis, Chlamydia or other sexually-transmitted infections
chronic medical problems including lupus, congenital heart disease, severe kidney disease, diabetes, or thyroid disease
Exposure to large doses of radiation
Drugs taken that are harmful to the fetus.
High fever
An IUD in place at conception
Malformed uterus or large uterine fibroids
The good news is that most of the above factors, once identified, can usually be eliminated or controlled.

I lost my baby at 5wks & the only explaination the dr. could give was that I was diagnaosed with BV. He also informed me this can cause infertility & may result in future miscarriages. HELP!! Has anyone else had this problem & if so what have you done to get pregnant anyway??


snoop - August 16

donna1...although I dont know what BV is, I have had 2 or more chemical pregnancies, AKA early miscarriages. My RE did some test last month and did find some elevated antipholosphid antibodies that are in the same category as the Lupus category (although I dont have Lupus). He also tested my natural killer cells but they were normal. Its not believed to be chromosomal since I have a very healthy 16 yr old. The long and short is he put me on baby aspirin or adult low dose every day to thin the blood and hopefully slow clotting. If I get pregnant this month, I will have to take heparin during pregnancy to keep the blood thin.



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