Anyone with very painful IUI had success
14 Replies
Annie - November 6

Hi ! I had four IUI, all very painful (IUI procedure itself) and for almost 2 days after (lot of cramps and gas). I wonder if someone who experienced this got pregnant. Maybe something is wrong with me. Thanks !


sherry - November 6

i had 1 round of iui, and it worked for me, and i was cramping like crazy, from the procedure, and then just crampy basically until af didn't arrive. it stunk! well worth it though...good luck


Judi - November 7

My IUI itself was pretty painful, and I did have a lot of cramping afterward. The first catheter that the doctor tried to use bent as he was trying to insert it, so I think that's part of why it hurt so much. Anyway, I did get pregnant that cycle (my first one).


Annie - November 7

Thank you for your replies, it gives me hope. May I ask you if you had male of female issues ?


Judi - November 7

For us, the problem was with my husband's sperm. The majority of them are abnormally shaped and unable to penetrate the egg. Also, he has quite a few dead and dying ones. Luckily, he has an extremely high count, so there were still enough healthy sperm; they just couldn't get past all of the unhealthy ones, which is why we had no success after trying on our own for 3 1/2 years. Once the dead/dying sperm were removed, we still had a fairly large sample left, so there were enough healthy sperm. (The RE was amazed, however - he said that, due to the results of the testing that they did on my husband, they calculated that we'd had a 5% chance of conceiving through IUI. He still can't believe that it worked at all, much less on the first try.) So, if we conceived against those odds, there is definitely hope for you. Good luck!


Mega - November 7

Hi Judi. Congrats! And you too Sheri. That's great. I just did my first IUI 2 weeks ago & am hoping AF will be a no show. Judi, I'm curious though, what was your DH's morphology %? If you don't mind me asking. His SA results sound a lot like my DH's. He had a huge count too, but only 5% morphology. But at any rate, I really enjoyed hearing your success story & I hope I have a similar one to tell soon. Thanks!


Judi - November 7

Mega, I'm really not sure of his morphology percentage. The first SA that he did was through my OB/GYN's office, and they just told us that most of the sperm were abnormal and referred us to the fertility clinic. When they did their own testing, they told us that they assign a number for morphology, and that a 4 or above is supposed to mean a decent chance of conception through IUI. Apparently my husband's number was a 1. We didn't find out the results until after we knew that the IUI had worked, because we did the first IUI as sort of a trial run, mainly to regulate my fertility meds (even though I ovulate normally, they had me take meds to increase our chances). They did his testing the week after the IUI since they really didn't expect the first one to work. When we went back for my first ultrasound, the doctor just shook his head and said that we'd only had a 5% chance and that he was absolutely amazed that it happened. I'm actually glad that we didn't find that out before the IUI, because I would have been convinced that it wouldn't work. I was pretty hopeful because the sample that my husband gave for the IUI had 57 million sperm with 100% motility after they washed it. Anyway, good luck! When are you supposed to test? Let me know what happens!


Mega - November 7

That really makes your story even better then that you didn't know how low the dr thought your chances were til after you had your BFP. And I'm feeling more hopeful about our chances now. So thanks for sharing your story! And wow, with a post washed sample of 57 mil, you were right to feel hopeful. That's fantastic. I think my DH's sample was 28.8 mil after the washing, so I like our chances too. I'm actually due for AF today according to my dr, but Clomid does sometimes give me a longer LP, so I'd say I'm really due from today through Wed. I'm going to try to play the waiting game. But thanks. I'll keep you posted.


Judi - November 7

Mega, that's great that your husband's sample size was so large. I've read that anything over 5 million is good and anything over 20 million is considered excellent, so it sounds like you have a very good chance. I tested positive at 13 days after my IUI. They told me to wait until then to test to be sure that the hCG from the trigger shot was out of my system. I totally understand why you're waiting to test. I didn't even buy my tests until the night before. Anyway, it sounds like we have very similar situations. Good luck and I will keep my fingers crossed for you! I do think you have an excellent chance!


Mega - November 7

Thank you! I did actually test on Sat., but we're disregarding that one b/c it took an hour for the control line to show up. So I think it was defective. And maybe a little too early to test too. So to save myself from having to see another BFN I'd rather wait for the much better surprise of no AF! Hopefully. How far along are you? Is this your first pregnancy?


Anna - November 8

Jodi - First Congratulations !!!! I have a question for you. Did u have any pregnancy symptoms in 2ww.I just had my 1st IUI five days ago and I dont feel anything, but again it is early. Just want to give my self a little hope. Thanks...


Judi - November 8

Mega, this is my first pregnancy. I'm 14 weeks and I've already had an ultrasound as part of the screening for birth defects. Everything looks perfect so far. I have a level II ultrasound on 12/6 and I can't wait...we should be able to find out the sex of the baby then. I definitely understand why you're waiting, and I wouldn't worry about the test on Sat. because that probably was too early. Keep me posted! Anna, I first started feeling symptoms about 5 or 6 days after the IUI, but that may have been because I had an hCG trigger shot. My breasts became very sore and tingly around that time (it even hurt to take a shower). They also started growing a little. That's why they told me to wait until 13dpo to test, to be sure all of the hCG from the trigger shot would be out of my system. A few days before I tested, I started noticing cramps just like the ones I get before AF, and I was also a little more emotional than usual. My husband also says that I had the glow of pregnancy beginning around that time, so he thought I probably was pregnant, but he didn't tell me that because he didn't want to get my hopes up just in case. Good luck!


Mega - November 8

How exciting, Judi! So I guess you're what, in or almost in your 2nd trimester. What a fun time. Do you have a feeling one way or the other regarding what you're having? My friend recently had a girl & the entire pregnancy she thought it was a girl but they decided not to find out via the U/S. But then my mom had thought the entire time I was a boy & she was definitely wrong! I woke up this AM spotty & my back was achey (an AF sign for me). Now it's flowing pretty well, so I guess I'm out this cycle. So I guess it's onto round 2. From what I've read, I have an even better shot getting that BFP on IUI 2 than the first one. I'm eager to hear whether you're having a girl or boy.


Judi - November 8

Mega, I'm so sorry about AF. Keep your hopes definitely have a good chance of conceiving next month. IUI rarely works on the first try. My OB/GYN told me that I'm the first patient they've ever referred to this fertility clinic who got pregnant the first month of IUI. I am in the second trimester as of this week. Unfortunately, I am still having queasiness, but I keep hoping it will go away soon. My husband and I both have a feeling that it's a girl, but we could be wrong. He's a doctor and is used to reading ultrasounds, and he said that, based on what he saw (or didn't see) during the ultrasound, he would guess right now that it's a girl. However, the baby moved and kicked so much that it was hard to get a good look, so he said that it could just as easily be a boy. Neither one of us has a preference...we'll be thrilled either way.


Mega - November 8

Thank you. I'm going to call my RE this afternoon & throw myself into IUI cycle 2. How cool is that that you're the 1st patient they've ever referred to get a success on IUI #1. What a neat record to hold & a good story for your OB too. Sorry that you're still feeling queasy. Hopefully that'll go away soon. Sounds like you probably will have a girl, since your DH is used to reading u/s. I always think it's neat though to see how accurrate parental intuition ends up being.



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