anyone ovulating this week ?
1 Replies
oct13 - October 13

i am trying to conceive for 2nd baby for the past 6 months.

i have 32 to 36 days cycle.

for the past 6 months i ovulated around day 19 to 23, just knowing by the temp shift.

today is my 23 rd day for this month's cycle...
cervix open high , lubricative vagina...
for the past 2 days...

but no eggwhite mucus this time...

till my temp and OPK test show no ovulation yet...

we did i/c for the past 2 days...

waiting for the ovulation !!!!

hopefully God will bless me a baby this month.

anyone awaiting for the ovulation can join me...


Kelly - October 13

Hello, well I am actually only on day 2 of my cycle and will be ovulating in a couple of weeks. I'll wait with you!



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