Anyone given Progesterone shot to bring on AF??
3 Replies
jen - October 20

instead of pills/suppositories? Just curious..


isa - October 20

Hi jen, actually i was told to stop my progesterone suppositories to bring on af when i tested negative and af came 2 days later.


annette - October 21

a few months back i didnt get my periods for 3 months, and hpt were negative. so my doc gave me a progesterone shot to jumpstart af. and sure enough i got it 5 days later.


Edy - October 21

Jen- My best friend took a progesterone shot to get AF because she does not Ovulate regularly due to PCOS. Provera did not work for her. She then took Clomid, but she now has beautiful twin girls. Hope this helps. Good Luck!!!



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