Any idea ?
2 Replies
Ella - April 30

I have been using Ovulation Predictor Kit. On the first day of testing, I got a pale surge line.However, on day 2 & 3 of testing, no surge line has even shown up. What does it mean ? Pls help.


Ella - April 30

By the way, I thought the color of surge line should remain the same or become darker. But in my case, it shows up as pale blue the first time, then disappear for the next 2 tests. Anyone any idea ? Thanks


al - April 30

my opk test reads anything lighter than the compairson line is a negative. It took me til i got the positive about 6 days later to notice the big difference in the tests. I was confused until i saw what the actual positive looks like so now each month i know what im doing. keep testing. You should also check your basal body temps and mucous daily as well as cervix (low, mid, high) and it will gear you even better to your ovulation time. good luck



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