am i or arent i???
3 Replies
confused - October 2

ive just done a pregnancy test and it came out positive does it mean im def pregnant. Im a bit overwhlmed as have been trying for ages


To confused - October 2

I would say your pregnant. If your not convinced I would do another one or get blood work done. Congrats!!


Sandy - October 2

i hope you are girl good luck....please let us know....


Becca - October 2

I hope you are. Most likely the only way that you got a false positive is if you have been using fertility meds and had to use an hcg shot to trigger ovulation, or a booster shot after ovulation for your progeterone levels, if you have not, or if it has been more then 16 days since your last shot then you are most likely pg and you should go to the health district or your doctors office to have it confirmed. BABY DUST



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