19 years old and cant conceive
17 Replies
hopeful06 - January 27

Thank you "......." That is exactly what I meant (although I didn't say it in those words)....


Dee - January 27

you're welcome hopeful. i just wanted to express to everyone that it's not bad to be trying at 18, 19, or 20 as long as you have your life prepared to have and raise a child. i was 20 when my dh and i started trying and i'm now almost 23 and still haven't gotten pg yet. i just have experienced (through watching friends get pg) that you can be 19 and be a great mother and you can be 19 and be a horrible mother. so i just dont like when people get on these girls' cases when they dont know what these "young" girls can really offer as far as being a parent. and when it really all comes down to it-God is the deciding factor in whether or not we will be parents...it's just up to us to be good parents to our children. good luck all!



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