100mg Clomid Users
12 Replies
ROBYN - April 26

What are you symptoms I am on 2nd round Clomid 100mg CD-3-7 tonight is my 2nd to last dosage and I am already feeling side effects. Cramping, moodiness, crying and some small shooting pain from one side to the other. When I took 50mg last month I didnt get side effects till almost a week after taking it. Curious to see if similar symptoms and if this is normal for this amount of dosage.


wannabeamom - April 26

I am up to 150mg. But when I was 100mg, I had severe hot flashes and major mood swings for 3 hours after I took it. I also gained a little weight, 6lbs. That is a lot for me. I have never been able to gain weight. But I will let you know s/e are different for everyone, When I went to 150mg I had no hot flashes or mood swings. But if I have to take it again I will expect all of the s/e.


terrie - April 26

Hi. I'm on my 5th moth on clomid w/ 100mg. The first 3 months i felt dizzy. For the past 2 months I've felt really hot all day and I've had the stretchy discharge starting on the 6th of my cycle.


Tracy88 - April 26

I had everything you mentioned. I was a wreck. I even gained 12 pounds. Have since quit the meds and have lost 8 pounds through diet and exercise.


ROBYN - April 26



babyloves2play - April 26

This is my second cyce and I am on 100 mg days 1-5, so far not many symptoms. Just feel like crying and skin breakout. Last cycle took 200 mg on cycle days 5-6 and 100 mg days 7-9 and I had moodiness, crying, cramping, hot flashes, headaches....I was a bitch. I've also gained around 13 lbs. This time I took it at night and it cut down on s/e considerably. This cycle was much better and I may be ovulating earlier than my last cycle. I am now on cd 12 and have started having an occasional headache here and there also.


ROBYN - April 26

the weight gain thing concerns me. I dont believe I have gained any weight from the meds. Why does it make you gain weight? I have heard a lot about that on these posts.


Tracy88 - April 26

Robyn, everybody is different and the weight thing seems to be hit or miss. My sister took it for two cycles and did not gain an ounce, whereas, I had gained most of my weight by the end of the second cycle. She has the type of body that would be prone to weight gain, but I have always been the superskinny one that everybody hates, and look, it happened to me. Many people don't gain weight, so don't worry too much about it. If you only gain 5 pounds, then rest assured it is water weight and will come off quickly.


ROBYN - April 26

tracey thanks that would really suck to start to gain weight I am getting married in 10 days and i really need to fit in my wedding dress (: lol !!


ROBYN - April 26



Tracy88 - April 27

Congrats on the impending wedding!!! I too am a newlywed. One year to be exact. If you haven't gained any weight by now, I wouldn't worry. Just don't start "stress eating" and binge before the wedding. In fact, try to eat more salads just to stay on the safe side. I know I gained a couple of my pounds because I started eating soy cheese pizzas which were pretty fattening. I can't have regular cheese because I am allergic to dairy, so when I saw there was a soy pizza, I was all over it!!!!!


wannabeamom - April 27

Robyn, congrats on the wedding. I love weddings! Tracy88, I didn't notice my weight gain until the 4th and 5th month. I, like you, am superthin, so it is no problem for me either. Unfortunately most women are not like us. We are lucky in that way. Babydust*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*


ROBYN - April 27

Thanks girls!! I love soy and love soy pizza i never new it was fattening. I not thin and not really heavy. I would just say i definitely could stand to lose some weight. I was working out 5 days a week up until december then stopped. I had just gotten engaged and was absorbed with the wedding, ttc my son who is 7 and i also work midnites so it left me really no time at all for the gym, which is no excuse. So now I am hoping that if i do gain weight it will be from being preggo. My phsyic who I see once a year told me twins boy and girl either may or june. We will see she has been right on the money for everything the past 3 years.



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