6 Replies
Amy - April 26

Does anyone know of any vitamins or supplements that are supposed to help your cycle after BC? I am looking for something to bring back my period, after more than a year off Depo. Help! Thanks!


Nat - April 28

I've been searching for the same answer and haven't found anything yet. I hope there is someone out there that has a solution. I'm sure you could go to the doctor and he could prescribe something. I just don't want to go to the doctor yet. I hope there is something natural that can be taken or done. :)


Nat - April 29

In another thread I just read that an Herbal Vitamin, New Phase, will help with getting your period back. Just thought I would share it with you. I plan on getting some and trying it. :)


Amy - June 3

I have heard that 100% ginseng can help with conceiving. I have some friends that were having problems with conceiving and they tried the 100% ginseng! They both got pregnant within a few months. Not sure if it was a coencidence, but it would not hurt to try!


Amy - June 3

Sorry read the wrong question and answered the wrong question! The only thing I know that can help to regulate your period is going on the pill for a couple of months. It should help.


KC - June 3

Amy- My doctor told me if you and your husband take zinc supplements it will help regulate your cycles and improve his potency. My husband and are taking them so we will see. In fact the lable on the zinc tables state they are good for reproductive development. It is worth a shot. They won't hurt you if you take them. My cycles have always been regular so I can't tell you if they have helped me with that. This is what my doctor told me.


TS - June 8

Vitex Supplements and Natural Progesterone Cream, both can be found at natural food stores....Good Luck!



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