Husband not wanting children but I do
20 Replies
SerineMali - April 16

Hey Ashley,
I'm sorry you are going through a difficult time like that. I know husband problems are the hardest ones because they need to be part of the process. Just remember you have two children already and you've been truly blessed. I know everyone says to talk to your DH and they're saying the right thing, but something DH's don't listen! You need to get to the core of the problem and ask why he would lie to you and trick you into marrying him if he truly loves you. Another girl mentioned about how deception is what really hurts. I can't imagine you suffering through this. If you're young enough just realize you can children again maybe he's not the right person. I don't like divorce myself but do you really want to trap yourself in a marriage that evolves around a lie? I just want to help you, because having a baby is a beautiful thing, do you want to be alone in the journey or with someone who's going to love you and share it with you?


suzyq - May 16

I am sorry that you were treated the way you were when you were so young, your family should have been there to love and support you in such a trying time for a young girl. Now on to your current situation, I was recently in the same boat as you, I was previously married and had three wonderful sons with a not so wonderful husband. Met current husband when the boys were 4, 2, and 6mo. My new guy had two girls 6 and 4.
I had my tubes tied after my third son, so having a baby was really never an issue even though I always wanted a daughter of my very own (I still have the bonnet in my sock drawer) after being married to my current husband for about five years the urge to have a child with him was driving me insane that's all I could think about. He at the time was on active duty so we emailed a lot of the time I began telling him of my desire to have a child with him, he said NO he said that the boys were "his" and that was good enough for him, I explained to him that I appreciated that he loved them that much. This kind of converstation went on for several months, I finally got to him when I explained to him how my heart litterally aches every time I see a baby or when someone in the family announces their happy news of a new baby how this would anger me that it wasn't me, so basically I poured my heart and soul out to him and cried my eyes out, so he finally gave in and we had the surgery to reverse my tubes. Now it has been a year and a half and we still have not concieved, we still are hopeful, but now he is going on active duty yet again and will be gone for 18mo.
Explain to him that you want to share this wonderful experience with him, you want him to be there for every little kick, to hear the heart beat for the first time, to be there when the doc says it,s a .......



Ashley - May 26

Hi girls! i know I have not written in a long time and I am sorry for that. So let me say what has happened. My DH was snooping while I was at work. He found this web page and was so mad at me!! We did not talk for days. Then finnally we started to talk. He really did not see why I was so upset before and why I had to talk to complete strangers about it. But after a few days of thought he had a change of heart. I went to the doctor for a before baby check up and they have found cyst on my ovarys. So they think I have PCOS( which I don't really know alot about) . My doc said we should talk about optins.


diem - February 13

Tricking someone into pregnancy is an awful thing. I don't know how you could live with yourself. Having children should be a mutual decision. NOT YOURS ALONE.


LauraEssary - March 23

Sorry about the PCOS. You can always try Clomid Unprescribed. There are a bunch of us doing it (lol) you should do your own research on the subject first though. It does have risks.
Also if your husband changes his mind again and says no.....
DO this >>>>> Have sex in the dark, ask him to EJ on your belly or possibly in your mouth (sorry TMI). Then as soon as he does ask him to get you a towel or something (or a glass of water if he did it in your mouth) while he is away scoop it up and put it inside of you. Believe it or not Sperm DO live through saliva and can live exposed to air for like 3 hours (unless they dry out first). Your chances wont be as good as usual but they will still be good!



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