9 Replies
LStewart - August 7

I finished my second month of taking Clomid and just got my period. Does anyone know if it is possible to skip a month of Clomid and try again the next month?


IMEXCITEDN2010 - August 10

I;m on my 2nd month now and I pray that I don't get my period. I really don't wanna have 2 do it again. I pray I get pregnant this time. I hear from other forums that people skipped and then they got pregnat. They said they guess their bodies needed a kick start. LStewart just talk to your doctor about that. How many Mg's did you take of Clomis each time? I took 100mg both times. I'll be taking my Ovidrel shot next week & will be on for a planned Datenite for conception. I pray it works this time. It's fun trying but it's very very tiring.. LOL!!!!!!!! :+} I wish you the best.


Jazz1980 - August 16

Hi guys!!! This is my first month on clomid. So far so good. I have been having minor headaches and hot flashes, but hey i'm not complaining cause I really want a baby. I'm actually on day 6 of my cycle and I started taking clomid on cd4. I wish the best of luck to you ladies. Keep your fingers crossed for me!!


Gena0127 - August 20

im getting ready to start my 1st month of clomid in about 2 only headaches so far? After the clomid do you have to do anything else? HCG injections?


Cmeyer09 - September 13

I just finished my first round of Clomid. My dh and i have been trying for a little over a year now. Last week they diagnosed me with PCOS and immediately put me on Clomid. The only problem is I have not had AF in 4 months so I am completely clueless as to when I may ovulate. Does anyone have and suggestions. My doctor said I should be good if we dtd every other day. But it's really hard with our schedules to know if we can actually be able to follow that religiously. Please any advice would be nice and if you have a success story that is even better.


klrichards79 - September 27

Call me a dummy, what's HCG? How long before chlomid start working? Does this increase chance of ovulation while dr says I am not ovulating due to my weight. But everything else is fine. Feedbacks :)


javaqueen - January 7

HCG is a trigger shot used to induce ovulation.

CMeyer - have you tried charting or using OPKs? That's what we've done for our last two cycles on clomid. Right now we are taking a break because my right ovary has a cyst on it and it needs time to heal but sometimes you ovulate later on clomid.

What we did was we purchased OPKs (Clear Blue Easy in bulk on Amazon) and tested twice a day - every single day after I took clomid for at least 10 days. It helped us to pinpoint when I was ovulating.

Baby dust to everyone!


O-BABY - February 4

Hello All! I just went through my first month of clomid and I am supposed to start my menstrual on the 14th of feb. I am really hoping that I don't start and that I am already pregnant. I am really excited about trying Clomid out. I have heard really good things about it so far. My husband and I have been trying for almost 3 years now. We are just ready to have a little one, and are super excited! I would LOVE to hear about how clomid has worked for you, and if many cycles did it take you to become pregnant?

IMEXCITEDN2010-I have found the best way to keep track is just to buy an ovulation kit. It seems to work pretty good at telling you the days that you are most fertile.


jac1019 - February 16

I am at the end of my first cycle on clomid, 100 mg. My ultrasound revealed that it stimulated 3-5 eggs, so hopefully I will know that I am pregnant by this time next week. I have absolutely no pregnancy symptoms :( but who knows...

As for skipping a month of clomid, my best friend finally became pregnant after two years of trying various procedures, including clomid, IUIs, etc., when she took a break from it ALL. She took a one month break, that included a vacation and many drinks. Nine months later she gave birth to a healthy, beautiful baby boy.


lilly001 - June 2

Hi, iv been trying to concieve for 2 and half years. The problem is i go months somtimes a year without a period. my last period i had a blood test done on the 21 day from the start of it. my doctor said i was not obvulating and that i was a 8 out of 30 (30 is a healthy obvulation). now the problem, my doctor wants to refer me so i can start a form of treatment to help concieve but cannot do so until my partner does a sperm test to rule him out. My partner refuses. so i cant take the next step forward for help. i have found clomid to buy without perscription. i am willing to do anything to get pregnant but as im not getting any periods at the moment how and when do i take the clomid? any advice would be great please.x



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