new at this.... need some input
1 Replies
mrs.sontag - January 29

I just did my first IUI on friday, and have been in a complete state of anxiety and depression since then. We've tried for two years and then decided to get some help. My doc prescribed both pills and injectibles, and I produced two eggs. Now I'm officially in the 2ww and I want to pull my hair out. I realize I may need to do this more than once, and the thought terrifies me. Anyone out there???? I


iampg - January 30

most women are busy avoiding pg & here we are ttc. i am shocked at how isolated i feel in 2ww - even from family members. They don't understand how i can't just chill out. for us, every cycle is "it"
i got a lot out of reading other posts. I could say, stay busy & don't test too early - but easier said than done! I don;t know your age but my RE said IUI over 40 is a waste of $$/time. you can get pg it seems if you're under 67 & willing to do IVF. good luck!



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