Fertility Blend vs. Ovulex
3 Replies
cupcake - February 28

Does anyone know the difference between Fertility Blend and Ovulex? Which is better? After a year of trying and not having any luck...had gone through hsg 4 months ago and still not pregnant. I'm starting to lose hope.... =(
I have just purchased Fertility Blend online, I'm hoping this fertility supplement will work for me.


K - February 28

I used it with no luck. Others may have had goodluck with it though. Do you ovulate?


K - February 28

You will get more response if you to the "problems getting pregnant" section under Q&A. The women there are very helpful. Goodluck Cupcake.


Kathy - February 28

You will get more response if you to the "problems getting pregnant" section under Q&A. The women there are very helpful. Goodluck Cupcake.



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